perm filename BIGMES.DOC[1,LMM]3 blob sn#038910 filedate 1973-05-01 generic text, type T, neo UTF8

      Exhaustive Generation of Cyclic and Acyclic Isomers.(1,2)

      ABSTRACT. A  systematic method  of identification  of all
      possible graph isomers consistant with a  given empirical
      formula is described. The method, embodied in  a computer
      program, generates a complete list of  isomers. Duplicate
      structures are avoided prospectively.


1)   For Part  X  see D.H.  Smith,  B.G. Buchanan,  W.C.  White, E.A.
Feigenbaum, J. Lederberg, and C. Djerassi, Tetrahedron, submitted.

2)   Financial support  for this  work was  provided by  the National
Institutes of Health (RR00612-03) and the Advanced  Research Projects
Agency (SD-183).

Problems  of structural  isomerism  in chemistry  have  received much
attention.   But  only occasional  inroads  have been  made  toward a
systematic solution of  the underlying graph theoretical  problems of
structural isomerism.   Recently the  "boundaries, scope  and limits"
(3) of the subject of structural isomerism of acyclic  molecules have
been defined by the DENDRAL algorithm (3).  This algorithm permits an
enumeration  and  representation of  all  possible  acyclic molecular
structures with a given molecular formula.

Acyclic molecules  represent only a  subset of  molecular structures,
however, and it may be argued that cyclic structures (including those
posessing acyclic chains) are of more general interest and importance
to modern chemistry.  An approach to cyclic structure  generation has
appeared in  a previous  paper in this  series (4a).   That approach,
which  operates on  a set  of previously  generated acyclic  forms by
labelling hydrogen atoms pairwise  and connecting the atoms  they are
attached to with a new bond, has one serious drawback.  This approach
cannot  make  efficient  use of  the  symmetry  properties  of cyclic
graphs; hence an inordinate amount of computer time must be  spent in
retrospective  checking  of each  candidate  structure  with existing
structures  to remove  duplicates.  For this  reason,  an alternative
approach to construction of cyclic molecules has been developed. This
approach  is  designed  to take  advantage  of  the  underlying graph
theoretic considerations, primarily  symmetry, to arrive at  a method
for more efficient construction of a complete and irredundant list of
isomers for a given empirical formula.

Central to the successful solution of this problem is  the generation
of all positional isomers obtained by substitutionss on a  given ring
system. This topic has received attention for nearly 100  years, with
limited success  (5).  Its more  general ramifications go  far beyond
organic  chemistry.   Graph  theoreticians  have  considered  various
aspects  of  this  topic, frequently,  but  not  necessarily,  in the
context  of organic  molecules.  Polya  has presented  a  theorem (6)
3)  J.  Lederberg, G.L. Sutherland,  B.G. Buchanan,  E.A. Feigenbaum,
A.V. Robertson, A.M. Duffield, and C. Djerassi, J. Amer. Chem.  Soc.,
91, 2973 (1969).

4a)  Y.M. Sheikh, A. Buchs, A.B. Delfino, G. Schroll,  A.M. Duffield,
C. Djerassi, B.G. Buchanan, G.L. Sutherland, E.A. Feigenbaum,  and J.
Lederberg, Org. Mass Spectrom., 4, 493 (1970).

5)  See, for example, A.C. Lunn and J.K. Senior, J. Phys.  Chem., 33,
1027 (1929) and references cited therein.

6)  a)  G. Polya, Compt. rend., 201, 1167 (1935);
    b)  G. Polya, Helv. Chim. Acta, 19, 22 (1936);


which permits calculation of  the number of structural isomers  for a
given  ring  system.   Hill  (7a,b)  has  applied  this   theorem  to
enumeration of  isomers of  simple ring compounds  and Hill  (7c) and
Taylor (8) have pointed out that Polya's theorem  permits enumeration
of geometrical and optical isomers in addition to structural isomers.
More  recently, formulae  for  enumeration of  isomers  of monocyclic
aromatic  compounds based  on  graph theory,  permutation  groups and
Polya's theorem  have been presented  (9).  This history  of interest
and results  provides only marginal  benefit to the  organic chemist.
Although the number of isomers may be interesting, these  methods (5-
9) do not display the structure of each isomer.  Also,  these methods
do not provide  information on the more  general case where  the ring
system  is embedded  in a  more complex  structure.  Even  for simple
cases  the  task  of  specifying  each  structure  by  hand,  without
duplication, is an onerous one.



Framework.  The framework for this method is that chemical structures
consist  of some  combination  of acyclic  chains and  rings  or ring
systems (10,11).  The problem of construction of acyclic  isomers has
been solved previously (3).  If, therefore, all possible ring systems
can  be generated  from all  or part  of the  atoms in  the empirical
formula, the rings can be  linked together or be attached  to acyclic
radicals using the acyclic generator.  This yields the  complete list
of isomers.  The method for construction of ring systems is described
below.  This description employs some terms which require definition.
The  definitions also  serve to  illustrate the  taxonomic principles
which underlie the operation of the cyclic structure  generator.* The

    c)  G. Polya, Z. Kryst. 92, 415 (1936);
    d)  G. Polya, Acta Math., 68, 145 (1937).
7)  a)  T.L. Hill, J. Phys. Chem., 47, 253 (1943);
    b)  T.L. Hill, ibid., p. 413.
    c) T.L. Hill, J. Chem. Phys., 11, 294 (1943).

8)  W.J. Taylor, ibid., p. 532.

9)  A.T.  Balaban and  F. Harary,  Rev. Rumaine  de Chimie,  12, 1511

  * this  still does  not solve  the problem  of embeding  the rings;
that is still a labelling problem;


generator's view of molecular structure differs in some respects from
the  chemist's.   A   chemist,  for  example,  may   view  structures
possessing  the  same  functional  group  or  ring  as  related.  The
generator works  at the  more fundamental  level of  the vertex-graph
(4,11), as described below.

Chemical  Graph.  A  molecular structure  may be  viewed as  a graph,
________  _____
termed the chemical graph, or skeleton. A chemical graph  consists of
           ________ _____
nodes, with  associated atom  names, and  edges, which  correspond to
_____                                     _____
chemical bonds. Consider as an example the substituted piperazine, I,
whose chemical  graph is illustrated  in Scheme 1  as II.   Note that
hydrogen atoms  are ignored  by convention, while  the symbol  "U" is
used to  specify the unsaturation.   The degree  (primary, secondary,
...) of a node in the chemical graph has its usual meaning, i.e., the
number of (non-hydrogen) edges connected to it.  The valence  of each
atom determines its maximum degree in the graph. As  usally displayed
by chemists  in planar representation,  the chemical  graph describes
the  connectivity  rather  than  the  geometric  configuration  of  a
molecular structure.

Superatom. In general, a chemical graph can be separated  into cyclic
and acyclic parts.  Each cyclic structural  sub-unit may be  deemed a
"superatom"  possessing  any  number of  "free  valences"  (12).  The
chemical graph II arises from a combination of two carbon  atoms with
superatom III. Superatom III possesses the indicated free valences to
which the remaining hydrogen and two methyl radicals will be attached
(Scheme 1).

Ciliated Skeletons.   A "ciliated skeleton"  is a skeleton  with free
________ _________
valences.   Superatom III  arises from  the ciliated  skeleton  IV by
associating the  atom names  of eight carbon  and two  nitrogen atoms
with the skeleton (Scheme 1).

Cyclic Skeleton. A chemical graph whose nodes are not associated with
______ ________
atom names containing no acyclic parts and no free valences is termed
a  cyclic skeleton.   Ciliated  skeleton IV  arises from  one  way of
associating  sixteen  free  valences with  the  nodes  on  the cyclic
skeleton IV (Scheme 1).
11)  It  is  assumed  that  structures  are  completely  connected by
chemical bonds; thus catenates and threaded structures  are    viewed
as consisting of separate molecules.

12)  A free  valence is  a bond  with an  unspecified  terminus.  Any
substructure, cyclic or not, may be treated as a  superatom; however,
the term, in this paper,  is generally restricted to cyclic,  or ring


Scheme 1

Vertex  Graph.  Vertex-graphs  (11) are  cyclic skeletons  from which
______  _____
nodes of degree less  than three have been deleted.  The vertex-graph
of the cyclic skeleton V  is the regular trivalent graph (11)  of two
nodes, VI.  Note  that the remaining nodes  of the cyclic  skeleton V
are of  degree two.  Removal of  these secondary  nodes from  V while
retaining the interconnections of the two tertiary nodes yields VI.

As  an  illustration  of  the  variety  of  structures  which  may be
constructed  from a  given  vertex-graph and  empirical  formula, for
example, C  H  N , considdr that graph VI is the vertex-graph for all
          10 20 2
bicyclic ring systems (excluding spiro forms).  Cyclic  skeletons VII
and  VIII (Scheme  2),  for example,  may be  constructed  from eight
secondary nodes and VI.   There are many ways of  associating sixteen
free valences with each cyclic skeleton, resulting in a larger number
of ciliated skeletons.   For example, IX  and X arise  from different
allocations of sixteen free valences to V (Scheme 2).  There  is only
one way to associate eight  carbon atoms and two nitrogen  atoms with
each ciliated skeleton to  yield superatoms (e.g. XI and  XII, Scheme
2).   However, several  structures  are obtained  by  associating the
remaining two carbon atoms (in this example) with each  superatom, as
an ethyl  or two methyl  groups.  Chemical graphs  XIII and  XIV, for
example, arise  from two alternative  ways of associating  two methyl
groups with superatom III.
Scheme 2

Multiple  Bonds.  For  the  purposes of  this  program  we  adopt the
________  _____
formalism  that  all   multiple  bonds  (double,  triple,   ...)  are
considered  to  be  small rings  by  the  program.  Previous versions
(acyclic  generator)  differ from  this  program in  that  double and
triple bonds are regarded as specially labelled edges.


The  cyclic  structure  generator must  produce  a  complete  list of
structures  without  duplication.  By  duplicate  structures  we mean
structures which are equivalent in some well-defined sense. The class
of  isomers  generated  by  the  program  includes  only connectivity
isomers. Transformations allowed under connectivity symmetry preserve
the  valence  and  bond  distribution  of  every  atom.  Connectivity
symmetry does not consider bond lengths or bond angles.   This choice


of symmetry results in construction of a set of  topologically unique
isomers. A  more detailed discussion  of equivalence is  discussed in
Appendix  A  and in  the  accumpanying paper  (13);  a  discussion of
isomerism and symmetry is presented in Appendix B.


The strategy behind the  cyclic structure generator is  strongly tied
to  the framework  described above.   The strategy  is  summarized in
greatly simplified  form in Figure  1.  The vertex-graphs  from which
structures are constructed can be specified for a given problem  by a
series  of  calculations.  Thus  Part  A of  the  program  (Figure 1)
partitions  the pot  of atoms  in all  possible ways;  each partition
consists of those atoms assigned to one or more  "superatom-pots" and
a "remaining pot."  Each superatompot is  a collectiNl of  atgms from
which all possible, unique ring-superatoms (see above definition) can
be constructed based on  the appropriate vertex-graphs (Part  B, Fig.
1).   Each  ring-superatom  will  be  a  ring  system   in  completed
structure. The atoms in the remaining pot will form acyclic  parts of
the final structures when combined in all possible, unique  ways with
the ring-superatoms from the corresponding initial partition (Part C,
Fig. 1).


The subsequent  detailed description parallels  the operation  of the
computer   program   (called   the   cyclic   structure   generator).
Programming  details  as   well  as  complete  descriptions   of  the
underlying  mathematics  are  omitted for  the  sake  of  clarity and
because they are available from other sources (13-16).

The example  chosen to illustrate  each step of  the method  is C H .
                                                                 6 8

13)  Accompanying description of the labelling algorithm.

14a)   H. Brown,  L. Masinter,  and L.Hjelmelend,  Constructive Graph
Labelling      Using Double  Cosets; Discrete Mathematics,  in press.
also Stanford Computer Science Memo STAN-CS-72-0318.

15)  H.  Brown and L.  Masinter, An Algorithm  for the  Generation of
Graphs of Organic Molecules; Discrete Mathematics, submitted.

16)  Additional  information will  be available  from the  authors on


This example, however, does  not contain bivalent or  trivalent atoms
(e.g., oxygen and nitrogen, respectively) or atoms of valence greater
than  four,  nor  any  univalent  atoms  other  than  hydrogen (e.g.,
chlorine, fluorine).  The description indicates how  these additional
atoms are considered by the program.

Partitioning and  Labelling. The  mechanism for  structure generation
____________ ___  _________
involves a  series of  "partitioning" steps followed  by a  series of
"labelling"  steps.   Partitions  are made  of  items  which  must be
assigned to  objects (usually graph  structures or parts  thereof) as
the molecular  structures are built  up from the  vertex-graphs.  The
process by which items are assigned to the graphs is termed labelling
(13,14).   Examination of  Scheme 1  reveals the  different  types of
items  involved.   For  example,  nodes  are  partitioned  among  and
labelled  upon the  edges of  the vertex-graphs  to yield  the cyclic
skeletons.  Free valences are partitioned among and labelled upon the
nodes of cyclic skeletons to yield ciliated skeletons, and so forth.

Partitioning  steps  in  the subsequent  discussion  are  carried out
assuming that objects among  which items are partitioned  are indist-
inguishable.  Distinguishability  of objects  (edges, nodes,  ...) is
specified  during labelling  and will  be discussed  in  a subsequent
section.   The  partitioning  steps  performed  by  the  program  are
outlined in Table I. Each step is described in more detail below.

                               Table I
   Partitioning Steps Performed by the Cyclic Structure Generator

Step #            Partition                 Among

   1           Atoms and Unsaturations  Superatompots and
               in Empirical Formula     Remaining Atoms

   2           Free Valence             Atoms in Superatompot

   3           Secondary Nodes          Loops

   4           Non-looped Secondary     Edges of Graph

   5           Looped Secondary Nodes   Loops

   6           Ring-superatoms and      Efferent Links
               Remaining Atoms          (see Appendix D)



PART A.  Superatom Partitions.

Ring-superatoms  are  "two-connected"  structures,  i.e.,  the  ring-
superatom cannot  be split  into two  parts by  scission of  a single
bond.  The  atoms in  an empirical formula  may be  distributed among
from   one  to   several  such   two-connected   ring-superatoms.   A
distribution which  allots atoms  to two  or more  superatompots will
yield  (respectively)  structures   containing  two  or   more  ring-
superatoms linked together by single bonds (or acyclic chains) (17).

In  the  generation  process,  one must  find  all  possible  ways of
partitioning the given formula  into superatom pots and  a remaining,
such  that  molecules  can  be  constructed.   The  considerations in
forming  superatom  partitions   deal  primarily  with   valence  and
unsaturation.  The first step  is to replace the hydrogen  count with
the degree of unsaturation.  The number of unsaturations  (rings plus
double bonds) is determined from the empirical formula in  the normal
way, as given in equation 1.
     U = 1/2 (2+∃  (i-2)a )                                       (1)
                i=1      i

     U = unsaturation
     i = valence
     n = maximum valence in composition
     a = number of atoms with valence i

If the unsaturation count is zero, the formula is  passed immediately
to the acyclic generator.   Specifying the unsaturations as  U's, the
example   C H   becomes   C U    (hydrogen   atoms  are   omitted  by
           6 8             6 3

There  are  several  rules which  are  used  during  the partitioning
scheme, as follows:

I.  The resulting formula is stripped of other univalent atoms (e.g.,

17)  Chemists  are more  familiar with  terms such  as rings  or ring
systems.  The  term two-connected  is used  here in  conjunction with
ring-superatoms  for  a  more  precise  description.    For  example,
biphenyl may be viewed as a single ring system or two rings depending
on the chemical context.  In this work, however, biphenyl consists of
two  ring-superatoms  (two phenyl  rings)  linked by  a  single bond.
Furthermore,  catenates   and  threaded  structures   are  considered
separate molecular structures.


     chlorine) as  such atoms cannot  be part of  two-connected ring-
     superatoms.  These univalent atoms  are relagated to the  pot of
     remaining atoms.

II.   The  remaining  pot  in  a  given  partition  (those  atoms not
     allocated to superatompots) can contain NO  unsaturations.  Thus
     ALL  rings  and/or  double  bonds  will  be  generated  from the

III.   It  follows  that every  superatompot  in  the  partition must
     contain at  least two  atoms of  valence two  or higher  plus at
     least one  unsaturation. If there  are no unsaturations  then no
     rings could  be built.  In addition,  an unsaturation  cannot be
     placed on a single  atom.  This rule defines the  minimum number
     of atoms and unsaturations in a superatompot.

IV.  The maximum number  of unsaturations in a superatompot  is given
     by  Equation  2.   Superatoms must  possess  at  least  one free
     valence (12), so that superatompots with no free valences, e.g.,
     O U  or C U , are not allowed.
      2 1     2 3
     U   = 1/2 (∃  (i-2)a )                                       (2)
      max       i=3      i

     U   = maximum unsaturation of a superatompot
     i   = valence
     n   = maximum valence in composition
     a   = number of atoms with valence i

V.   The  maximum number  of  superatompots for  a  given  formula is
     defined by equation 3.
     S   = 1/2∃  a                                                (3)
      max     i=2 i

     n   = maximum valence in composition
     S   = maximum number of superatompots in a superatom partition
     note:  the summation is over all atoms of valence >2;
            univalents are not considered.

Rules I-V  define the  allowed partitions  of a  group of  atoms into
superatompots.  These  rules do not,  however, prevent  generation of
equivalent  partitions, which  would eventually  result  in duplicate


structures.   Defining   a  canonical   ordering  scheme   to  govern
partitioning  prevents  equivalent  partitions.  One  such  canonical
ordering is given in Appendix C.

The application of rules I-V is best illustrated through reference to
the example of  C U .  The maximum  number of superatompots  for this
                 6 3
example is three  (Equation 3).  There is  one way to  partition C U
                                                                  6 3
into one superatompot with  no remaining pot, partition 1,  Table II.
Subsequent assignment of carbon atoms to the remaining pot results in
partitions 2-4, Table II.  The next partition following  the sequence
1-4  would be  C U   with C   assigned  to the  remaining  pot.  This
                2 3        4
partition is forbidden as C U  has no free valences.  The  three ways
                           2 3
to partition C U  into two superatompots are indicated along with the
              6 3
corresponding  partitions  following  assignment  of  atoms   to  the
remaining  pot, as  partitions  5-10, Table  II.  There  is  only one
unique way of  partitioning C U  into three  superatompots, partition
                             6 3
11, Table II.


                              Table II
  Allowed Partitions of C U  Into Superatompots and Remaining Pot.
                         6 3

Partition       Number of  Superatompot  Number     Remaining
Number       Superatompots    1      2       3        Pot

     1              1      C U     -       -         -
                            6 3
     2              1      C U     -       -        C
                            5 3                      1
     3              1      C U     -       -        C
                            4 3                      2
     4              1      C U     -       -        C
                            3 3                      3

     5              2      C U    C U      -         -
                            4 2    2 1
     6              2      C U    C U      -        C
                            3 2    2 1               1
     7              2      C U    C U      -        C
                            2 2    2 1               2

     8              2      C U    C U      -         -
                            4 1    2 2
     9              2      C U    C U      -        C
                            3 1    2 2               1

    10              2      C U    C U      -         -
                            3 2    3 1

    11              3      C U    C U     C U        -
                            2 1    2 1     2 1

PART B.  Ring-superatom Construction.

Each partition (Table II) must now be treated in turn.   The complete
set of  ring-superatoms for  each superatompot  in a  given partition
must be constructed.  The  major steps in the procedure  are outlined
in Figure 2.

Valence List.  The first step in part B is to strip  the superatompot
_______ ____
of atom names, while retaining the valence of each atom.  The numbers


of each type of atom  are saved for later labelling of  the skeleton.
A valence list may then  be specified, giving in order the  number of
bi-, tri- , tetra- and  n-valent nodes which will be  incorporated in
the superatom.   Thus the superatompot  C U  is transformed  into the
                                         6 3
valence list 0 bivalents, 0 trivalents, 6 tetravalents (0, 0, 6), and
C U  becomes (0, 0, 4) (Figure 2).
 4 2

Calculation  of  Free  Valence.   From  the  valence  list   and  the
___________  __  ____  _______
associated unsaturation  count the  number of  free valences  of each
superatompot is determined using equation 4.
     FV = (2 +∃  (i-2)a )-2U                                      (4)
              i=3      i

     U = unsaturation of superatompot
     i = valence
     n = maximum valence in composition
     a = number of atoms with valence i
     FV = free valence

Partitioning of Free Valence.  The free valences are then partitioned
____________ __ ____ _______
among the nodes in the valence list in all possible, unique ways.  As
in  the earlier  partitioning problem,  there are  some  simple rules
which must  be followed.   Because ring-superatoms  are two-connected
structures two valences of each  atom of a superatompot must  be used
to connect the atom to the ring-superatom.  Thus no free valences can
be assigned to bivalent nodes  in the valence list, a maximum  of one
to  each trivalent,  a maximum  of two  to each  tetravalent,  and so
forth.  The example (Fig. 2) is further simplified in that  there are
only tetravalent nodes in  the valence list.  Inclusion  of trivalent
nodes (e.g.,  nitrogen atoms) merely  extends the number  of possible
partitions.  The free valences are partitioned among  the tetravalent
nodes in all  ways, as illustrated in  Figure 2.  It is  important to
note that removal of atom names makes all n-valent (n=2 or 3  or ...)
nodes  in  the  valence  list equivalent  at  this  stage.   Thus the
partitions  (of  eight  free valences  among  six  tetravalent nodes)
222200, 222020, 222002, ......, 002222 are all equivalent.   Only one
of these  partitions is considered  to avoid eventual  duplication of

Degree List.   Each partition of  free valences alters  the effective
______ ____
valence of the nodes in the original valence list with respect to the
ring-superatom.   In  the  example, assignment  of  one  or  two free
valences to a  tetravalent node transforms this  node into a  tri- or


bivalent node  respectively.  As  the ring-superatom  is constructed,
those  tetravalent  nodes which  have  been assigned,  say,  two free
valences, have then only two valences remaining for attachment to the
ring-superatom.  These nodes are then  of degree (18) two and  may be
termed secondary  nodes (18).   Thus the  partition of  free valences
2,2,2,2,0,0 on six tetravalent  nodes yields the degree  list (4,0,2)
(Fig. 2) as four of  the tetravalent nodes receive two  free valences
each yielding four  nodes of degree  two (secondary) and  leaving two
nodes of degree  four (quaternary).  The  program keeps track  of the
number of free valences assigned to all nodes for use in a subsequent

Loops.  As will be clarified in the subsequent discussion,  there are
several general types of ring-superatoms which cannot  be constructed
from the  vertex-graphs available in  the CATALOG  (described below).
These are all cases of multiple extended unsaturations either  in the
form of double bonds or rings.  Examples are the following:
     1)  bi-, tri-, ... n-cyclics with exocyclic double bonds;
     2)  some types of SPIRO ring systems;
     3)  allenes extended by additional double bonds, e.g.,


The concept  of a loop,  consisting of a  single unsaturation  and at
least one bivalent node must be specified for these  cases.  Examples
of loops containing  one, two and three  bivalent nodes are  shown in
Scheme 3.   Note that  the two remaining  "ends" of  the unsaturation
will yield a  "looped structure" when attached  to a node in  a graph
(shown as X, Scheme 3).
Scheme 3
   bivalents =        1            2            3

The method  for specification  of loops is  discussed in  Appendix C.
This procedure yields the reduced degree list which contains  none of
the  secondary  nodes  originally present  in  the  degree  list (see
Appendix C).

Vertex-Graphs.  The reduced degree lists are used to specify a set of
vertex-graphs  for the  eventual ring-superatoms.   All two-connected
structures can  be described by  their vertex-graphs, which  are, for

18) Use of  the term degree  in this report  refers to the  number of
bonds  other  than free  valences,  with double  bonds  being counted
twice. A  free valence  may or may  not eventually  be attached  to a
hydrogen atom in the final structure.


most  structures, regular  trivalent graphs.   This concept  has been
described  in detail  by  Lederberg (10),  who has  also  presented a
generation and classification scheme for such graphs.  Given a set of
all vertex-graphs, the set  of all ring-superatoms may  be specified.
The  vertex-graphs  are maintained  by  the program  in  the CATALOG.
Catalog entries for regular trivalent graphs possessing two, four and
six nodes are presented in Table III.  This list must be supplemented
by additional vertex-graphs to cover several special  cases.  Several
of these  additional graphs, which  are sufficient for  generation of
all structures in the example, are also presented in Table III.

                              Table III
           Partial Listing of Vertex-Graphs in the CATALOG
                  Degree List of
Structure  Name*  Compatable Chemical Graphs      Remarks

"Singlering k"    (k,0,0...)       A single ring composed of k
                                   secondary nodes.

                  (k,0,2,0,...)  Two nodes of equal valence (>3)

       "Daisy"    (k,0,..,0,1,0,...) A single 2n-degree node.

            2A    (k,2,0,0...)     Regular trivalent graph of 2 nodes

            4AA   (k,4,0,0...)     Regular trivalent graph of 4 nodes

            4BB   (k,4,0,0...)     Regular trivalent graph of 4 nodes

            6AAA  (k,6,0,0...)     Regular trivalent graph of 6 nodes

            6ABB  (k,6,0,0...)     Regular trivalent graph of 6 nodes

            6ACA  (k,6,0,0...)     Regular trivalent graph of 6 nodes

            6BCB  (k,6,0,0...)     Regular trivalent graph of 6 nodes

            6CCC  (k,6,0,0...)     Regular trivalent graph of 6 nodes


           "T03"  (k,0,3,0...)     Graph composed of three quaternary

           $3BCB  (k,2,1,0...)     Graph composed of two tertiary and
                                   one quaternary node

           "T22"  (k,2,2,0...)     Graph composed of two tertiary and
                                   two quaternary nodes

         "T22"    (k,2,2,0...)     Graph composed of two tertiary and
                                   two quaternary nodes.

         "T22"    (k,2,2,0...)     Graph composed of two tertiary and
                                   two quaternary nodes

         "T22"    (k,2,2,0...)     Graph composed of two tertiary and
                                   two quaternary nodes

         $5CECC   (k,4,1,0...)     Graph composed of four tertiary
                                   and one quaternary nodes

         $BCCB    (k,4,1,0...)     Graph composed of four tertiary
                                   and one quaternary nodes

         $B:5AECA (k,4,1,0...)     Graph composed of four tertiary
                                   and one quaternary nodes

         $5ABCB   (k,4,1,0...)     Graph composed of four tertiary
                                   and one quaternary nodes

         $5ACDB   (k,4,1,0...)     Graph composed of four tertiary
                                   and one quaternary nodes

  Note that secondary nodes in the degree list are
ignored since vertex-graphs have only trivalent or higher nodes.
* The  graphs not in quotes are named according to Lederberg (10).


With the reduced degree list of a superatompot, the  program requests
the appropriate CATALOG entries.  In the example (Fig. 2), the degree
list (4,0,2) specifies vertex-graphs containing two quaternary nodes.
The degree  list (2,4,0) specifies  regular trivalent graphs  of four
nodes, of which there are  two, 4AA and 4BB (Table T2).  An exception
arises when only secondary nodes are present in the degree list. Then
the vertex-graph "Singlering" (Table III) is utilized.

Interlude.  Up to this  point the program has  effectively decomposed
the problem into a series of subproblems, working down from the total
pot through a  series of partitions and  subpartitions to the  set of
possible  vertex-graphs. In  subsequent steps  the  vertex-graphs are
expanded  to  the  final  structures  by  a  series  of  constructive

                              Table IV
 The Six Graph Labelling Steps Performed by the Labelling Algorithm

Labelling Step          Function

     1                  Label Edges of Vertex-Graphs with
                        Special Secondary Nodes.

     2                  Label Edges of Resulting Graphs with
                        Non-Looped Secondary Nodes.

     3                  Label Loops of Resulting Graphs with
                        Looped Secondary Nodes.

     4                  Label Nodes of Skeletons with Free

     5                  Label Nodes of Skeletons with Atom Names.

     6                  Label Free Valences of Superatoms with
                        Radicals (see Appendix D).

Labelling  Edges  of  Vertex-Graphs  with  Special  Secondary  Nodes.
_________  _____  __  _____________  ____  _______  _________  _____
Special secondary nodes are those that will have loops  attached. The
specification of the possible  attachments of the nodes to  the graph
ia a  "labelling" procedure.   This is  the first  of six  such graph
labelling steps performed  by the program.  (Table IV). All  of these
labelling  steps  involve  the same  combinatorial  problem,  that of
associating a set of n  labels, not necessarily distinct, with  a set
of  n  objects  with  arbitrary  symmetry(13).  The   same  labelling


algorithm  is  utilized  for  each  of  the  six  labelling  steps. A
description of the  underlying mathematics and proof  of completeness
and irredundancy appears separately (14).

Some  aspects of  the first  labelling step  indicate  how equivalent
labellings (which would eventually yield duplicate structures) may be
avoided prospectively, by  recognition of the symmetry  properties of
the graph; in the  first labelling, the vertex-graph.  These symmetry
properties  are  expressed in  terms  of the  permutation  group (see
Appendix A  and refs. 13  and 14) on  the edges of  the vertex-graph.
This permutation group, which  defines the equivalence of  the edges,
may  be specified  in the  CATALOG or,  alternatively,  calculated as
needed  by a  separate part  of the  cyclic structure  generator.  As
subsequent steps are executed, a new permutation group (e.g.,  on the
nodes for  labelling step  four) is  derived as  necessary.(13) Thus,
only labellings  which result in  unique expansions of  the structure
are permitted.  The reader  examining Fig  2 may  note that  for this
simple  example the  symmetries of  the vertex-graphs  and subsequent
skeletons can be discerned easily  by eye. For example, all  edges of
the tetravalent dihedron are equivalent, as are all the edges  of the
regular trivalent graphs 2A and also 4BB.  The $3BCB graph (Table II,
Fig. 2) has four equivalent  edges and one other edge, and  so forth.
In the general case, however, the symmetries of the vertex-graphs and
subsequent expansions thereof are not always obvious.

With the group on the  edges specified, the labelling of  the vertex-
graphs with special secondary  nodes is carried out.  The  results of
this  procedure  for  partitions containing  loops  are  indicated in
Figure 2.

Labelling With  Non-Loop Secondary Nodes.  The secondary  nodes which
_________ ____  ________ _________ _____
were  not  assigned  to  loops  ("non-looped  secondary  nodes")  are
partitioned  among  the edges  of  the graphs  which  arise  from the
previous labelling step. Loops are not counted as edges.   There are,
for example,  five ways  to partition  four non-loop  secondary nodes
among the edges of  the vertex-graph possessing two  quaternary nodes
(Fig. 2).

Labelling of the graphs with non-loop secondary nodes is then carried
out.  Each of the five partitions mentioned immediately above results
in a  single labelling,  as all  edges of  the graph  are equivalent.
When edges are distinguishable there  may be several ways to  label a
graph with a single partition.  There are, for example, for the $3BCB
graph, two ways to label with the partition 3,0,0,0,0, four ways with
the partition 2,1,0,0,0 and  three ways with the  partition 1,1,1,0,0
(Fig. 2).


Labelling with Loop Seconday  Nodes.  There remain unassigned  to the
_________ ____ ____ ________  _____
graphs  at this  point only  secondary nodes  which were  assigned to
loops.  These  nodes are first  partitioned among the  loops assuming
indistinguish-ability and remembering that each loop must  receive at
least one secondary node.   For example, following the path  from the
degree list (4,0,2) through the specification of two loops  (Fig. 2),
there are two  ways of labelling the  two equivalent loops  with four
secondary nodes.   There is  one way to  label the  two loops  of the
adjacent graph with  three secondary nodes  and one way  of labelling
the two loops of each of the two remaining graphs in this  section of
Figure 2 with two secondary nodes.  In this example (C U )  the loops
                                                      6 3
in  every  case  are equivalent  or  there  is only  one  loop  to be
labelled.  In the general case loops may not be equivalent, resulting
in a greater number of ways to label loops with a given  partition of
secondary nodes.

Cyclic Skeletons.  The previous labelling steps specified  the number
______ _________
of secondary nodes on each  edge of and loop attached to  the vertex-
graphs.  All  atoms in the  original superatompot are  thus accounted
for.  A representation  of the result  is the cyclic  skeleton, where
nodes  and their  connections to  one another  are  specified. (These
skeletons begin to resemble conventional chemical structures.)

Free  Valence Labelling.  The  nodes in  a cyclic  skeleton  are then
____  _______ _________
labelled  with  free  valences,  yielding  ciliated  skeletons.  This
labelling is  trivial in the  example, as all  atoms are of  the same
valence (four) (Figure 2).  Free valence labelling is  performed with
knowledge  of how  many atoms  of each  valence were  present  in the
original  superatompot,  but  independent of  the  identities  of the
atoms. The combinatorial complexity of this labelling problem follows
from the possible occurance of atoms with differing valencies. In the
general case there may be several ways to perform this labelling on a
single cyclic skeleton, whereas in the C U  example there is only one
                                        6 3

Atom  Name Labelling.   The  nodes of  a ciliated  skeleton  are then
____  ____ _________
labelled with atom names to yield the ring-superatom(s).   Again this
labelling is  trivial in  the example, as  only one  type of  atom is
present (carbon), yielding in each case only a single superatom (Fig.
2).  If there  is more than  one type of  atom with the  same valence
(e.g., silicon  and carbon), the  labelling problem is  more complex.
Each node of appropriate valence may be labelled with either  type of
atom.  Duplicate structures are avoided by calculations involving the
group pertaining to the set of nodes of equal valence.


PART C.  Acyclic Generator.

The superatom partition expanded in the example had no atoms assigned
to  acyclic  chains  (remaining  pot).   The  set  of  superatoms  on
completion of Part B, above, thus yields the set of 36  structures on
placement of a hydrogen atom  on each free valence (Fig. 2).   If the
superatom partition (partitions  2-11, Table II) contained  more than
one  superatompot  or  atoms  in  the  remaining  atoms,  the acyclic
generator must be  used to connect the  segments of the  structure in
all ways.  This procedure is described in detail in Appendix D.


Completion_of_C U .   The  example  (Fig.  2)  has   considered  only
_______________ _
               6 3
expansion  of  a single  superatom  partition.  The  total  number of
isomers of C U  and  their structures considering all  partitions has
            6 3
been determined by the program to be 159.  It may be  instructive for
the reader to attempt  to generate, by hand, structures  from another
partition, following the method outlined above and in Figure  2.  The
initial superatom  partitions yield some  indication of the  types of
structures  which  will  result from  each  partition.   For example,
partition 4  (Table II),  C U  in a  single superatompot,  plus three
                           3 3
carbons in the remaining pot, should yield all  structures containing
a three-membered ring possessing  two double bonds or a  triple bond.
As there are only two free valences, the remaining atoms can be  in a
single chain (as a propyl  or iso-propyl radical) or as a  methyl and
an ethyl group, but not as three methyl groups.

Completeness and Irredundancy.  Although a mathematical proof  of the
____________ ___ ____________
completeness and irredundancy of the method exists (14 15),  there is
no guarantee that the  implementation of the algorithm in  a computer
program maintains these  desired characteristics.  Confidence  in the
completeness and irredundancy of a program of this complexity  can be
engendered in the following ways:

      1)   Verification  of  the  program's  performance  by another,
completely independent approach.   An independent algorithm  has been
developed which  enumerates, but  does not  construct all  isomers of
compositions  containing  C,H,N,  and  O.   Implementation   of  that
algorithm  is  limited   at  the  present  time,   unfortunately,  to
compositions  containing only  5 or  fewer carbon  atoms  and various
numbers of hydrogen atoms.   The limitation is due to  constraints of
computer  time.  For  these cases,  however, the  numbers  of isomers


obtained by both programs agree.

      2)   Testing  by  manual  generation  of  structures.   Several
chemists,  all without  knowledge of  the algorithm  described above,
have  been  given  several test  cases,  including  C U ,  from which
                                                     6 3
structures were generated by hand.  Familiarity with chemistry  is no
guarantee  of  success,  as evidenced  by  the  performance  of three
chemists for the superficially  simple case of C U  (C H ,  Table V).
                                                6 3   6 8
This example indicates that for  more than very trivial cases,  it is
extremely difficult to avoid duplicates (tricyclics, for example, are
difficult to  visualize when testing  for duplicates)  and omissions.
Omissions appear  to result from  both being careless  and forgetting
ring systems that are  implausible or unfamiliar.  The  program seems
better at testing the chemist than vice versa.  In every  instance of
manual  structure generation,  no one  has been  able to  construct a
legal structure  that the  program failed to  construct.  No  one has
been able to detect an instance of duplication by the  program.  This
performance builds some  confidence, but manual verification  of more
complicated cases  is extremely tedious  and difficult.   Isomers for
many empirical  formulae have  been generated,  and some  results are
tabulated in Table VI.  The choice of examples has been  motivated by
a desire  to test  all parts of  the program  where errors  may exist
while  keeping   the  number  of   isomers  small  enough   to  allow
verification.  In this manner all obvious sources of error  have been
checked, for example, construction of loops on loops,  multiple types
of  atoms  of  the  same valence  (e.g.  Cl,  Br,  I)  and partitions
containing atoms of  several different valences including  penta- and
hexavalent atoms.

      3)   Varying the  order of  generation.  The  structure  of the
program  permits  additional  tests by  doing  some  operations  in a
different  order.  For  example, one  variation allowed  is  to leave
hydrogens associated with the atoms in each partition rather  than to
strip  them  away initially  and  place them  on  the  remaining free

        Following a result of Parthasarathy (ref) for the enumeration
of all graphs with a given valence list (partition in Parthasarathy's
terminology); extending  it to count  graphs with  arbitrary multiple
bonds; applying Mobius inversion (ref. Hall's book.) to allow  one to
only count connected graphs, we  arrive at a closed form  formula for
counting the number of graphs.  However, even a  fairly sophisticated
program  to  evaluate  this  formula  took  an  inordinate  amount of
computation time for even graphs of 5 nodes.


valences in the last step.   Each such test has resulted in  the same
set of isomers.

      4) Using  Polya enumeration at  the various labelling  steps of
the procedure to verify the correctness of sub-parts of  the program.
Using various combinatorial formulae, one can insure that the results
of  at least  parts of  the program  are consistant  with independant
calculations.  This approach was used extensively in  the development
of the labelling algorithm.

In summary, the  verification procedures utilized have  all indicated
absence of  errors in the  computer implementation of  the algorithm.
Also,  there is  no clear  reason why  generation of  larger  sets of
isomers  should  not  also  proceed  correctly.   The  final  verdict
however,  must  await  development  of  new  mathematical  tools  for
verification by enumeration (see above) or an alternative algorithm.

                               Table V
         Performance of Three  Chemists in Manual Generation
of Isomers of C H  (C U ). There are 159 Isomers|
               6 8   6 3

                Number Generated            Type of Error

Chemist 1            161              4 duplicates; 4 omissions;
                                      2 with 7 carbon atoms.

Chemist 2            168              16 duplicates; 7 omissions

Chemist 3            160              2 duplicates; 1 omission

*  One PhD and two graduate students.


                              Table VI
        The Number of Isomers for Several Empirical Formulae

Empirical  Example         Number of Isomers      Manually Verified?
 Formula   Compound

   C H    benzene              217                     yes
    6 6

   C H    1,3-cyclohexadiene   159                     yes
    6 8

   C H    cyclohexene           77                     yes
    6 10

   C H    cyclohexane           25                     yes
    6 12

   C H    hexane                 5                     yes
    6 14

   C H O  phenol              2237
    6 6

   C H  O cyclohexanone        747                     no
    6 10

   C H  O 2-hexanone           211                     yes
    6 12

   C H N  pyrazole             155                     no
    3 4 2

   C H N  2-pyrazoline         136                     yes
    3 6 2

   C H N  tetrahydropyrazole    62                     no
    3 8 2

   C H  N  propylenediamine     14                     yes
    3 10 2

   C H P   (pentavalent P)     110                     no
    4 9 1


Constraints.  The structure generator  is designed to produce  a list
of  all  possible  connectivity  isomers  (Appendix  B).   This  list
contains  many structures  whose  existence seems  unlikely  based on
present chemical knowledge.  In  addition, the program may  be called
on to generate possible structures for an unknown in the  presence of
a body of data on the unknown which specify various  features, (e.g.,
functional groups) of the molecule.  In such instances mechanisms are
required for  constraining the generator  to produce  only structures
conforming  to specified  rules.  The  implementation of  the acyclic
generator possessed such a mechanism in the form of GOODLIST (desired
features) and BADLIST (unwanted features) (3) which could be utilized
during the course of structure generation.

The cyclic generator is less tractable.  As in  prospective avoidance
of duplicate structures, it is important that unwanted structures, or
portions thereof, be filtered out as early in the  generation process
as possible.  It is relatively easy to specify certain  general types
of constraints in chemical terms, for example, the number of  each of
various types of rings or  ring systems in the final  structure, ring
fusions, functional groups, sub-structures  and so forth.  It  is not
always  so  easy  to  devise  an  efficient  scheme  for  utilizing a
constraint in the algorithm,  however.  As seen in the  above example
(Fig. 2) the  expanded superatom partition  results in what  would be
viewed by the chemist as several very different ring systems.

The design of the program facilitates some types of constraints.  For
example,  the  program  may  be entered  at  the  level  of combining
superatoms to generate structures from a set of known sub-structures.
If additional atoms are present in an unknown configuration, they can
be treated as a separate generation problem, the results of which are
finally  combined  in  all  ways  with  the  known  superatoms.  This
approach will not form additional two-connected  structures, however.
Constraints  which  disallow  an  entire  partition  may   be  easily
included.  For example,  it is possible  to generate only  open chain
isomers   by  "turning   off"  the   appropriate   initial  superatom

Much additional work  remains, however, before a  reasonably complete
set of constraints can be included.  The implementation of  each type
of constraint must  be examined and tested  in detail to  ensure that
the generator remains thorough and irredundant.


     The boundaries, scope and limitations of chemical  structure can
now be specified.




Appendix A.  Equivalence Classes and Finite Permutation Groups.

Two  members  of a  set  of possible  isomers  may be  defined  to be
equivalent if a specified  transformation of one member causes  it to
be superimposable upon another member of the set.  For example, there
are fifteen possible ways of attaching two chlorine and four hydrogen
atoms to a benzene ring (Scheme 4).
Scheme 4

If  rotations by  multiples of  60 degrees  are specified  as allowed
transformations,  the fifteen  structures fall  logically  into three
classes,  termed  "equivalence  classes"  (Scheme  4).   Within  each
equivalence  class  structures  may  be  made  superimposable  by the
rotational transformation.  If one element (in this case  a molecular
structure) is chosen from each equivalence class, the complete set of
possible structures  is determined, without  duplication.  It  is the
task of  the labelling algorithm  to produce one  and only  one graph
labelling corresponding to one member of each equivalence class.

The  set  of transformations  which  define an  equivalence  class is
termed a "finite permutation  group."  This permutation group  may be
calculated based on the  symmetry properties of a graph  (or chemical
structure in the example of Scheme 4).  This calculation provides the
mechanism for prospective avoidance of duplication.  These procedures
are described more fully in the accompanying paper (13).


Appendix B.  Isomerism and Symmetry.

Appendix A introduced the  concept of equivalence classes  and finite
permutation  groups.  The  selection of  transformation  (Appendix A)
directs the calculation of the permutation group and thus defines the
equivalence  classes.   Different  types  of  transformation  may  be
allowed depending on the symmetry properties  of the class of isomers
considered.  This Appendix discusses several of the possible types of
isomerism,  most  of  which are  familiar  to  chemists.   The reader
seeking  a  more  thorough  discussion  of  some  types  of isomerism
discussed below is referred to an exposition of molecular symmetry in
the context of chemistry and mathematics (19).

Isomers are most often defined as chemical structures  possessing the
same empirical formula.  Different concepts of symmetry give  rise to
different classes of isomers, some of which  are described below.

Permutational Isomers.  Permutational isomers are isomers  which have
_____________ _______
in common the same skeleton  and set of ligands.  They differ  in the
distribution of  ligands about the  skeleton.  Gillespie et  al. (20)
and Klemperer (21) have used the concept of permutational  isomers to
probe into unimolecular rearrangement or isomerization reactions.

Stereoisomers.   Ugi   et  al.  (19)   have  defined   the  "chemical
constitution" of an atom to be its bonds and bonded neighbors.  Those
permutational isomers which differ only by permutations of ligands at
constitutionally   equivalent    positions   form   the    class   of

Isomers  Under  Rigid  Molecular  Symmetry.   If  one   conceives  of
_______  _____  _____  _________  ________
molecular  structures  as   having  rigid  skeletons,   the  physical
rotational (three dimensional) symmetries and transformations  may be
readily defined.  Each transformation causes each atom (and  bond) to
occupy the position  of another or same  atom (and bond) so  that the
rotated structure  can physically occupy  its former position  and at
the same time be indistinguishable  from it in any way.  This  is the
most  familiar  form  of  symmetry.   Under  this  type  of  symmetry
conformers  are distinguishable  and belong  in  distinct equivalence

19)  I. Ugi, D. Marquarding, H. Klusacek, G. Gokel, and P. Gillespie,
Angew. Chem. internat. Edit., 9, 703 (1970).

20)   P.  Gillespie,  P. Hoffman,  H.  Klusacek,  D.  Marquarding, S.
Pfohl, F. Ramirez, E. A. Tsolis, and I. Ugi, Angew.  Chem.  internat.
Edit., 10, 687 (1971).
21) a)  W. G. Klemperer, J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 94, 6940 (1972);
    b)  W. G. Klemperer, ibid, p. 8360.


classes.   Every  transformation  is  orthogonal  and  preserves bond
angles and bond lengths as well as maintaining true chirality.

If  one allows  other  orthogonal transformations  that  alter chiral
properties of structures, equivalence classes result that  treat both
the left-handed and right-handed forms of chiral molecules to  be the
"same".  Thus a  "mirror image" transformation when  suitably defined
permits the left-handed form to exactly superimpose  the right-handed
form and vice-versa.

Isomers Under Total Molecular Symmetry.  If in addition to  the above
_______ _____ _____ _________ ________
mentioned   rigid  molecular   transformations  one   recognizes  the
flexional movements of a nonrigid skeleton, a dynamic  symmetry group
may be defined.  Under this definition, different conformers  now are
grouped  together.   Thus  the "chair"  and  "boat"  conformations of
cyclohexane  belong  to  the  same  equivalence  class  under dynamic
symmetry.   The   permutation  group   of  skeletal   flexibility  is
computable separately and independently of rigid  molecular symmetry.
One can then view total molecular symmetry as the product of  the two
finite permutation groups.

Isomers  Under Connectivity  Symmetry.  The  concept  of connectivity
_______  _____ ____________  ________
symmetry   was   introduced  previously   (METHOD   section).   Every
permutation  of  atoms  and  bonds  onto  themselves  is  a  symmetry
transformation for connectivity symmetry if,

      a) each atom is mapped into another of like species, e.g., N to
      N, C to C, O to O, and

      b) for  every pair  of atoms,  the connectivity  (none, single,
      double , triple, ...) is preserved in the mapping, i.e. the the
      connectivity of the two atoms is identical to  the connectivity
      of the atoms they are mapped into.

One   can   readily  recognize   that   transformations   as  defined
automatically  preserve the  valence and  bond distribution  of every
atom.   It  is  very  probable  that  readers  accustomed   to  three
dimensional  rotational  and  reflectional  symmetries  will  tend to
equate them  with the symmetries  of connectivity.  It  is emphasized
again that  connectivity symmetry does  not consider bond  lengths or
bond  angles,  and  it  includes  certain  transformations  that  are
conceivable  but  have  no  physical  interpretation  save   that  of
permuting the atoms and bonds.


Appendix C.  Calculation of Loops.

There are several  rules which must  be followed in  consideration of
loop  assignment  to  ring-superatoms.   The  minimum  (MINLOOPS) and
maximum  (MAXLOOPS) numbers  of loops  for a  given valence  list are
designated by equations 5 and 6.
     MINLOOPS = max{0,a +1/2(2j   -∃  ja )}                       (5)
                       2       max i=2  j

     MAXLOOPS = min{a ,∃  ((i-2)/2)a }                            (6)
                     2 j=4          j

     MINLOOPS = minimum number of loops
     MAXLOOPS = maximum number of loops
           a  = number of secondary nodes in degree list
        j     = degree of highest degree item in degree list
            j = degree
            n = highest degree in list
           a  = number of nodes with degree j.

The form of the equations results from the following considerations:

      1)  Only secondary  nodes may be  assigned to loops.   Nodes of
      higher degree  will always  be in the  non-loop portion  of the

      2)  A loop, by definition,  must be attached by two bonds  to a
      single node in  the resulting ring-superatom.  The  loop cannot
      be attached  through the free  valences.  Thus the  degree list
      must possess a sufficient number of quaternary or higher degree
      nodes to support the loops(s).

      3)  Each loop must have  at least one secondary node,  which is
      the reason MAXLOOPS is restricted to at most the maximum number
      of secondary nodes in the degree list (Equation 6).

      4)   There must  be available  one unsaturation  for  each loop
      (this is implicit in the calculation of MINLOOPS  and MAXLOOPS)
      as each loop effectively forms a new ring.

Partitioning of Secondary Nodes.  For each of the possible numbers of
____________ __ _________ _____


loops (0,1, ...) the secondary nodes are removed from the degree list
and partitioned among  the loops, remembering  that the loops  are at
present indistinguishable  and each  loop must  receive at  least one
secondary node.  In  the example (Fig.  2), starting with  the degree
list (4,0,2), there are three ways of partitioning the four secondary
nodes among two loops and the remaining non-looped  portion.  Removal
of the four  secondary nodes from the  degree list and  assignment of
two, three or four of them to two loops results in the list specified
in Figure 2 as the "reduced degree list".  Specification of two loops
transforms  the two  quaternary  nodes in  the degree  list  into two
secondary nodes.  This results from  the fact that two valences  of a
quaternary or higher degree node  must be used to support  each loop.
These  are "special"  secondary nodes,  however, as  these particular
nodes are the ones which will be connected to loops as  the structure
is built  up.  Thus, in  the example, any  secondary nodes  which are
found  in the  reduced degree  list will  have a  loop attached  in a
subsequent step.   The degree list  (4,0,2) thus becomes  the reduced
degree list (2,0,0) in  the partition specifying two loops  (Fig. 2).
Similarly,  the partition  of one  loop for  the degree  list (3,2,1)
results in a reduced degree  list of (1,2,0) with the  three original
secondary nodes partitioned among loop and non-loop  portions (Figure

If, after the first, second, ... nth loop partition, there remain one
or more quaternary or higher degree nodes in the reduced degree list,
the  list must  be  tested again  for the  possibility  of additional
loops.  Each loop  partition will generate  a new set  of structures.
The  second  pass will  yield  those structures  possessing  loops on
loops, and so forth.  One such superatom which would be  generated in
this manner from a composition of (at least) C U  is 15.
                                              6 5
          C=C=C=C=C=C                                     15

The partition of (4,0,2) including one loop results in each case in a
reduced  degree  list  (1,0,1).   This  list  is  disallowed  in  the
subsequent step,  as the  vertex-graph for one  quaternary node  is a
daisy (Table  II), which  requires a minimum  of two  secondary nodes
with which to label the daisy loops (a minimum of one  secondary node
in the reduced degree list for each loop of the daisy).


Appendix D - Acyclic generator

A method of construction  of structures similar to the  generation of
acyclic molecules  is utilized to  join multiple  ring-superatoms and
remaining atoms.  The  DENDRAL algorithm for construction  of acyclic
molecules (3,24) relied on the existence of a unique central atom (or
bond) to every molecule.  The present acyclic generator uses the same
idea.   The present  algorithm, though  simpler in  not having  to to
treat interconnection  of atoms  or ring-superatoms  through multiple
bonds, is  more complex  because of  the necessity  to deal  with the
symmetries of the ring-superatoms.

D1. Method for the case with even number of total atoms.

The  superatom partition  C U /C U /-/C  (partition  7, Table  II and
                           2 2  2 1    2
Figure  2)  will be  used  here to  illustrate  this  procedure.  The
superatompots C U  and C U  have exactly one  possible ring-superatom
               2 2      2 1
for each (see Table VII).

                              Table VII

     Superatompot        Superatom

       C U                 -C≡≡C-
        2 2
       C U                 >C==C<
        2 1


Thus acyclic structures are to be built with -C≡≡C- , >C==C<  and two

There are an even  number atoms and ring-superatoms.   The structures
to be  generated fall  into two categories:(a)  those with  a central
bond; (b) those with a central atom.

24) A more complete description of the algorithm is available; see B.
G.  Buchanan,  A.  M.   Duffield,  and A.   V.  Robertson,   in "Mass
spectrometry, Techniques  and Applications," G.   W. A.   Milne, ed.,
John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1971, p. 121.


Category A.  CENTRAL BOND (see Fig. 3)

Step 1.  Partition into Two Parts.

The atoms  and ring-superatoms are  partitioned into two  parts, with
each part having exactly half  the total number of items.   Each atom
or  ring-superatom  is  a  single item.   Each  part  has  to satisfy
equation 7, called the Restriction on Univalents.
Restriction on Univalents:
              1+∃  (i-2)a ≥ 0                                     (7)
                i=1      i

     i = valence
    a  = number of atoms or superatoms of valence i
     n = maximum valence in composition

There are  two ways  of partitioning  the four  items into  two parts
(Fig. 3).  The restriction  on univalents is satisfied in  each case.
The restriction will disallow certain partitions that have "too many"
univalents other  than hydrogens and  therefore is essential  only in
partitioning  compositions that  contain any  number  of non-hydrogen

Step 2.  Generate Radicals from Each Part.

Using a procedure described  in Section C3, radicals  are constructed
from each  part in each  partition.  Table VIII  shows the  result of
applying this procedure to the example.


                             Table VIII

     Part            |        Radicals

   -C≡≡C- , >C==C<   ->     -C≡≡C-CH=CH2




    C2               ->     -CH2-CH3


   -C≡≡C- , C        ->     -C≡≡C-CH3



   >C==C< , C        ->     -CH==CH-CH3



Step 3.  Form Molecules From Radicals.

The  radicals  are  combined in  unique  pairs,  within  each initial
partition. Each  pair gives rise  to a unique  molecule, for  each of
which is the  center is a bond.   There are nine such  molecules that
have a central bond, for the example chosen (Fig. 3).


Category B.  CENTRAL ATOM (see Fig. 4).

Step 1.  Selection of Central Atom.

One must consider every unique atom or ring-superatom that has a free
valence of  three or higher  as a central  atom.  In the  example, of
three candidates available:  -C≡≡C- , >C==C< and C, the first  is not
chosen for it has a free valence of only two.

Step 2.  Partition the Rest of the Atoms.

The atom or ring-superatom chosen for the center is removed  from the
set and the rest are partitioned into a number of parts less  than or
equal to the valence of  the central atom.  Each part must  have less
than half the total number of items being partitioned (again  a ring-
superatom is a single item).  Each part must satisfy  the restriction
on univalents (equation 7).

Thus, for the  case where a  carbon is the  center, from one  to four
partitions are  generated with  the condition that  each part  has at
most (4-1)/2 or  1 atom.  No valid  partitions are possible  for one,
two or four parts.  There  is exactly one partition for  three parts,
i.e., one atom in each.  The partitions are shown in Figure 4.

Step 3.  Generate Radicals.

Once again, using the procedure described in Section C3, radicals are
generated  for  each  part  in  each  partition.   For  example,  the
partition -C≡≡C-  gives rise to  exactly one possible  radical -C≡≡CH
(Fig. 4).

Step 4.  Combine Radicals.

Although in the example shown every part generates only  one radical,
in the general  case there will be  many radicals for each  part.  If
so, the radicals must be combined to give all unique  combinations of
radicals within each partition.

Step 5.  Form Molecules from Central Atom and Radicals.

If the  central atom is  not a ring-superatom  but is a  simple atom,
then each combination of radicals derived in Step 4 defines  a single


molecule that is  unique.  Thus for example  when C is chosen  as the
center, step 4 gives  one combination of radicals which  determines a
single molecule when connected to the central C (see Figure 4).

If the central atom is a ring-superatom and the valences of the ring-
superatom are not identical  then different ways of  distributing the
radicals around the center may yield different  molecules.  Labelling
of  the free  valences of  the central  ring-superatom  with radicals
treated as labels (supplemented with adequate number of  hydrogens to
make up  the total  free valence of  the ring-superatom)  generates a
complete and irredundant list of molecules.  Thus >C==C<  is labelled
with the label set:
      one of -C≡≡CH , two of -CH3 , and one of -H.

There are two unique labellings as shown in Figure 4.

D2. Method for odd number of total atoms.

With an  odd number of  total atoms, no  structures can  be generated
with  a central  bond.  Only  the case  of a  central atom  is  to be
considered.  However, it is possible for structures to be  built with
a  bivalent  atom at  the  center.  Thus  the  procedure  outlined in
Category B above is followed,  in this case also allowing  a bivalent
atom to be the central atom.

D3. generation of radicals

The goal of this procedure is to generate all radicals from a list of
atoms and  ring-superatoms.  A radical  is defined to  be an  atom or
superatom with a  single free valence.   When a composition  of atoms
and  ring-superatoms  is presented,  from  which radicals  are  to be
generated, two special cases are recognized.

Case 1.  Onle One Atom in Composition.

When  only  one atom  which  is  not a  ring-superatom  makes  up the
composition only one radical  is possible.  As for example,  with one
C, the radical -CH3 is the only possibility.

Case 2.  Only One Item (a Ring-superatom) in Composition.

In  this case,  depending upon  the symmetry  of  the ring-superatom,
several radicals are possible.   This is determined by  labelling the


free valences of the ring-superatom with one label of a special type,
a "radical-valence".
Example:  A composition consists of one ring-superatom, 16.

                                 >C<  "


Two radicals result from labelling with one radical valence.

                  CH                  C-
                 /"                  /"
            -CH<  "             CH2<  "
                 \"                  \"
                  CH                  CH

                17                 18


Radicals have  uniquely defined  centers as  well, the  center always
being an atom of valence  two or higher. The steps for  generation of
radicals are as follows.

Step 1.  Selection of Central Atom.

Any  bivalent or  higher  valent atom  or ring-superatom  is  a valid
candidate to be the center of a radical.  Thus, for example,  for the
composition -C≡C-,  >C=C< (see  part 1  in Figure  3) both  are valid
central atoms (Figure 5).

Step 2.  Partition the Rest of the Atoms.

The atom chosen for the central atom is removed from the composition.
One  of  the  valences  of  the  central  atom  is  to  remain  free.
Therefore, the rest of  the atoms in the composition  are partitioned
into less than or equal to  (valence of central atom - 1)  parts.  Of
course,  each  part  should  satisfy  the  restriction  on univalents
(equation 7) but for constructing radicals there is no restriction on
the size of the parts.


Step 3.  Form Radicals from Each Part.

The procedure to  generate radicals is  freshly invoked on  each part
thus generating radicals.  Each part  in Figure 5 gives rise  to only
one radical each arising from special case 2.

Step 4.  Combine Radicals in Each Part.

For the example in Figure 5, each part yields only one radical.  In a
more  general  situation, where  the  rest of  the  composition after
selection of  center, is  partitioned into  several parts,  and where
each  part  yields several  radicals,  the radicals  are  combined to
determine all unique combinations of radicals.

Step 5.  Label Central Atom with Radicals.

If the  center is  an atom  (not a  ring-superatom) then  each unique
combination defines a single unique radical.

If the  center is  a ring-superatom, the  radicals are  determined by
labelling  the center  with  a set  of labels  which  includes;I) the
radicals; ii) a leading  radical-valence; iii) an adequate  number of
hydrogens  to  make  up  the remaining  free  valences  of  the ring-
superatom.  One selection of  center gives one radical and  the other
gives two more, to complete a list of three radicals for  the example
chosen (Fig. 5).


For the  example chosen  to illustrate the  operation of  the acyclic
generator, twelve isomers are  generated, nine shown in Figure  3 and
three shown in Figure 4.

Appendix E. Canonical Ordering for Partitioning.

      a.  Partition in order of increasing number of superatompots.

      b.  For each entry in  each part of (a), partition in  order of
      decreasing size of superatompot by allocation of atoms one at a
      time to the remaining pot.

      c.    Each  individual   partition  containing   two   or  more
      superatompots must be in  order of equal or decreasing  size of


      the  superatompot.  In  other words,  the number  of  atoms and
      unsaturations in superatompot n+1 must be equal to or less than
      the number in superatompart n.  The program notes  the equality
      of superatompots in a partition to avoid repetition.
